Friday, May 12, 2006

Become a Toxic Chemicals spotter...

Call by our NEW website (it's early days) but you can already 'collect' a complementary copy of the "Desktop Directory of Toxic Chemicals in Skin care & cosmetics" NOW - just for visiting and requesting it.

Over the coming months the site will feature articles and information, contacts and links that will help you make better lifestyle choices that will contribute to the long-term health and wellbeing of your family.

Check it out at: - Go natural and Organic

...and claim your Desktop Directory of Toxic chemicals in Skin Care and Cosmetics TODAY... So that you can 'spot' the products to 'stop' be surprised how many everyday products and brands are nothing more than a poisonous cocktail of synthetic chemicals and known toxins.

Here's wishing you and yours a healthy future


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Monday, May 08, 2006

'Well done' could leave you more than just 'browned-off'...

No more really crispy roast potatoes; no more darkly, crusty traditional loaves; no more home-made deep brown may already be braced for is yet another thing that could contribute to the risk of developing cancer

Indeed give us only the insipid, the pallid, and at most the 'pale golden' roast or fried foods. If you have been a devotee of the dark and crunchy roast potato, if you have fought over a well cooked is the time to leave it to the unwary, the unwise and the unwitting.

Under intense heat that may be experienced in a high temperature oven or fryer - elements of proteins react with natural sugars and fuse to a dark caramel brown in a process many may recall from chemistry class - the 'Maillard reaction'. The darker the brown the more that the widely acknowledged chemical nasty, 'acrylamide', is formed.
Acrylamide is still under invetigation - but food manufacturers have taken research findings made by Swedish scientists seriously enough to have been seeking ways of reducing acrylamide in many products since reports first surfaced in 2002.

Some suggest that acrylamide may be one of the biggest health threats yet - and that it is its common occurrence in home-cooked (or should we say home 'over-cooked') foods that is the source of about 50% of the acrylamide we consume.

So next time you get the choice, opt for the lightly cooked - or at worst the 'pleasantly gilded' roasts and french fries - and remember that sticking to this 'golden rule' could be contributing to keeping you healthy!

Don't forget - acrylamide is just one of the 'dangerous chemicals' we might accidentally be consuming. Your skin literally 'eats' up to half of the 'chemical gunk' that you apply to it - in the name of beauty (or at least personal hygiene). From bath foam to shower gel, from cleansers to moisturizers, from lip-sticks to foundations, from shaving cream to after-shave...all these every-day products contain a cocktail of potentially health threatening, toxic-chemicals - UNLESS they are 100% natural, organic products - certified organic to food grade standards like the unique Miessence range.

So give up those crunchy dark brown spuds, refuse that bread with a blackened crust, and push that overcooked pastry to the side of your plate...reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals today - in both the kitchen...and also in the bathroom - by choosing to 'defuse' your toxic timebomb...go natural and organic...go CERTIFIED organic...take a look at the world's first extensive range of certified organic personal care an cosmetics today.

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