Odd though it seems there are still a few folks who bellyache on about how adulterating the UK water system with this poisonous chemical actually strengthens teeth.
Thankfully it is becoming more widely accepted that the whole flouride scam was just that...a scam! (even theguy who perpetrated it eventually admitted it!)
Don't get drawn in...if you have flouridated water in your area join the UK National pure water campaign http://www.npwa.freeserve.co.uk/ and meanwhile STOP drinking tap water...
There are some people who are trying to get flouride more widely used in the UK, rather than the few areas it is currently dumped in the water system (Like West Midlands, and a couple of Northern Counties)...
One particularly stupid health minister recently suggested that those who did not want to drink flouridated water could use a filter (typical jug-based water filters cannot get rid of flouride by the way) or 'buy bottled water'...
What about the freedom to choose...how about we have pure unadulterated water...and those who want the flouride can add this caustic poison to their own water! Surely a fairer way round!!
Is the UK Government oblivious to the fact that the better informed European countries stopped or banned addition of flouride YEARS ago (I mean AS LONG AGO AS THE 1970's!!!...when it became clear that the supposed efficacy of flouride was a MYTH...and that it was more effective as the rat poison it used to be used as!)
Flouride...SAY NO! Or be prepared to be poisoned slowly! You've only yourself to blame if you let it happen...