Did you see this in the Guardian (UK Newspaper) at the end of 2005?
“...Researchers at the University of Liverpool examined the toxic effects on nerve cells in the laboratory of using a combination of four common food additives - aspartame, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and the artificial colourings brilliant blue and quinoline yellow. The findings of their two-year study were published last week in the journal Toxicological Sciences.
The Liverpool team reported that when mouse nerve cells were exposed to MSG and brilliant blue or aspartame and quinoline yellow in laboratory conditions, combined in concentrations that theoretically reflect the compound that enters the bloodstream after a typical children's snack and drink, the additives stopped the nerve cells growing and interfered with proper signalling systems...”
(source: The Guardian, Wednesday December 21, 2005)
Many packet snack foods - crisps, processed cheese, pot noodles, etc., etc., contain MSG, and these widely used colors and aspartame are common in many fizzy pop drinks, colas, slush puppies, etc., etc.,
So do your kids a favor and choose 'safer alternative' snacks - Get synthetic chemicals out of their diet...and out of their lives as much as possible
Feb 19