I bumped in to Tim, a friend I hadn't seen for a while today, whilst out shopping in our local town. We hadn't been talking too long before we got onto the topic of breasts, though we are both 'men', maybe the interchange wasn't quite what you might have been thinking.
I was mentioning the launch of this 'blog, 'toxictimebomb', and the phrase struck a chord with Tim. Perhaps inspired by the recent knowledge (due to our brief chat) that my wife and I are expecting our first child in Jan (I was going to say '06..but then it could hardly be '07...so I guess it goes without saying) when he said something to the effect of:
"But you know what the real toxic time-bomb is, don't you?"
Well, naturally, numerous things sprung to mind, but bowing to Tim's Bio-chemical expertise I ventured an non commital: "No, what is it?"
"Breast milk", he replied - (with just a bit too much gusto, I thought ;-).
Now, given our brief social-intercourse lasted all of say 10 minutes (max) and some 5 of those were taken up discussing the toxic potential of breast milk (after a goodly year or more since our last meeting) this was odd enough. But as we de-coupled and I set off home 'breast-milk' kept running through my thoughts - so to speak!
The reason for this pre-occupation was that my wife has staunchly maintained (along with all her strongly held opinions, beliefs and intentions, that there is no way anything but the God-given gift of Mother's milk, will sully the lips (and digestive system) of our soon-to-be-amongst us offspring.
Setting aside any anecdotal issues of cracked nipples, dyfunctional milk yield, post-natal depression..or any of the the plethora of reasons why you, your partner/daughter/wife or friend ultimately eschewed the maternally-bonding pleasure of mouth-to-teat sustenance for their own new-born, despite 9 months of protestations that they would contemplate no other way...I can state for the record that I am sure that my wife will stick to her guns (so to speak)!
But naturally, conversing about the concept of 'toxic' breast milk somewhat curdled our conversation, and soured our day. Not that we were in reality entirely 'ignorant' of the issues of 'unnatural' substances turning up in nature's most natural bounty for the neo-nate. In and amogst the multitude of topics we have been researching for online publications we are currently developing, the issue of toxic contamination has to include this topic...and indeed would sooner or later have figured in the list of posts on this very blog...
Our aim with this web-log is really to argue the case for each and every individual taking any action thay can personally to de-contaminate, or at least decrease-contamination of themselves. This can be done by choosing safer things to eat; or by furnishing your home with textiles and furniture which use less toxic materials (this will feature here soon, too, in more detail, rest assured). It can also be done (in a most direct and easy way) by changing your body-care regime...But I digress
About these two great 'boobs' of the title, well this may not be page 3, but here they are:
1) - PBDE Ok, now I know Tim (if he visits this blog...as he promised he would) will no doubt know that these are polybrominated diphenylethers...he'll also know that they are a more recent generation of 'flame retardants' (sort of descendants of PCB's whch have garnered much negative press over the years)- and they are used pretty liberally by many furniture manufacturers, to reduce the flamability of some of the widely used foams used to fill chairs, bean bags and the like. A toxin that has risen 10-fold in concentrations identified in breast-milk over the last few years. It is KNOWN to be a toxin...BUT it isn't really clear just how much will really cause problems...though, alread, in some cases breast milk exceeds limits thought to be legally acceptable.
2) - PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic acid, another toxic chemical...this time used in the manufacture of the ubiquitous 'non-stick pan'! Yes, it's amazing, isn't it. A toxic substance that is used in the non-stick pan...that we cook our food in...and surprise , surprise, it is now showing up in...breast milk...and promises to pose an even bigger threat than PBDE's or their forebears PCB's!
There are innumerable, man-made chemicals pervading our environment today...chemicals which all contribute to our increasing personal toxic loads. These two are a pair of massive 'boobs'..when you consider as experts will tell you, there are non-toxic alternatives that could be used to do the same thing that they are used for! (Mad? Certainly...but as far as the manufacturers are concerned...CHEAPER! No doubt!)
We all need to take personal action to reduce these toxins in our lives...if not for our own sake...for the generations who are yet to come...to whom we will be leaving the legacy of 'twisted genes' (and I don't mean that Levi design initiative that flopped!!) that may cause untold ills!
Choose to defuse your personal toxic time-bomb today. Why not start by making it a NEW YEAR'S resolution to 'de-tox' your body care regime. These product CAN help, please take a look:
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