Wednesday, March 15, 2006

All the ingredients to make a killing in the $$$Multi-billion skin care and cosmetics market...

So what are the typical ingredients that can be found in many, if not almost all, mass-market personal care products. This series of short blog entries - over the next week or so - aims to identify a few, and help you know better what to look out for.

Many big-brand names are 'making a killing' in the personal care and cosmetics market - with high-ticket consumables that promise the earth - but effectively deliver a 'ship-load' (ahem!) of toxins direct to your skin...

But let's start gently and consider a non-toxic (usually) substance that really gets the bean-counters excited...because it can mean BIG profits for MINIMUM outlay... SO...

Which ingredient makes the most profit for the makes of most major brands of skin/hair/body care?

It’s an easy one to start with…naturally its ‘Water’!

Water is often the lead ingredient in products – and of course the more you can incorporate into your products the LESS they cost you to produce…not that that means you have to sell them cheap! Oh no…a fancy bottle, a classy label, a decent advertising budget (oh yes, that IS one thing in which the big name brands DO invest!…Why such expensive advertising, glossy production, celebrity endorsements, etc.? Because YOU’RE worth it – of course!)…and you can charge almost whatever you want.

In fact some products are so flagrantly 'super-hyped' that you could be paying 3-figures (that’s over US$100)…per modest bottle of something that cost merely CENTS to make! (I kid you not!)

Sometimes of course they do use 'fancy water'…well at least they call it ‘aqua’…so maybe that fools a few simple-souls into thinking it is something a ‘bit special’! But truth is water is great stuff to sell at a premium price...and at least it is non-toxic - unless you've bought a 'dubious designer copy' parfum from a slick-talking street trader at a 'great price' (and which 'smelled' just like the real thing - because the tester WAS the real thing - you see?) - but which was in fact made on the banks of (and with a scoop-full of) the River Po, or some similar 'natural and untreated' source!...

Needless to say...things get a whole lote worse in part2 which could have you wondering what kind 'of killing' some companies are trying to make...

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